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Energy—the critical commodity of today—has been playing an important role
in the development of economic sectors such as agriculture, industry, transport,
domestic, social and service. For each and every activity of these sectors, energy
is needed in one form or the other. Thus, energy is a basic need, without which the
existence of human beings is highly impossible. Almost all religious documents
such as Gita, Veda, Puranas, Kuran and Bible have mentioned about energy
in one place or the other. For instance, Gita mentioned energy as ‘Sakthi’ and
Bible as ‘Fire’. The meaning of energy differs according to the field an individual
represents—in general, energy means commodity for a Common man; heat for an
Engineer; matter for a Physicist and Chemist; ability for a Biologist; synergy for
a Sociologist; libidinal force for a Psychologist; and input for an Economist. From
the utility point of view, energy is both consumer good and producer’s good.
in the development of economic sectors such as agriculture, industry, transport,
domestic, social and service. For each and every activity of these sectors, energy
is needed in one form or the other. Thus, energy is a basic need, without which the
existence of human beings is highly impossible. Almost all religious documents
such as Gita, Veda, Puranas, Kuran and Bible have mentioned about energy
in one place or the other. For instance, Gita mentioned energy as ‘Sakthi’ and
Bible as ‘Fire’. The meaning of energy differs according to the field an individual
represents—in general, energy means commodity for a Common man; heat for an
Engineer; matter for a Physicist and Chemist; ability for a Biologist; synergy for
a Sociologist; libidinal force for a Psychologist; and input for an Economist. From
the utility point of view, energy is both consumer good and producer’s good.