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The concept of viruses as a natural phenomenon separate from other infectious agents is more than 100 years old. Recognition of the fact that many diverse diseases of plants and animals can be attributed to this newly recognized type of agent came more lately. So did the recognition of phages that kill bacteria. In more recent years, the appreciation that practically all living species may have viruses associated with them distinguish the wide spread prevalence of these agents and their potential importance in nature.Although not all viruses are pathogenic in their host, several have raised great concern in the present century because of the serious epidemic threats in humans like influenza, poliomyelitis, herpes,AIDS and childhood diarrhoea. Most texts do not attempt to cover the entire field of virology because of the breadth of this subject.The present attempt was made to fill this gap as a prerequisite to the use of this book.The chapters in this book describe the properties of the major virus families of current importance starting with bacterial virology, then to plants, humans and finally attempts to provide latest information on antiviral drugs and viral vaccines. The virus families of plants and humans are discussed in a systematic manner. Properties of viruses, major viral diseases, mechanism of transmission, prevention and control measures are dealt in detailin the text. As a means of fine-tuning the reader’s thought, a set of short questions are given at the end of each chapter for need ful analysis of the subject. The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to a wide informative data on viruses infecting bacteria,plants and animals, and to meet the requirements of a complete material on Virology.