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Commerce and Management Education—Trends and Challenge, Performance Appraisal in the Workplace, The Business Model Concept: Theoretical Underpinnings, The Globalization of Commercial Banking, Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management and Enterprise Resource Planning with Oracle, Stressors and Stress-coping Strategies, Stress in Aviation, Exony—An Idea to Discover New Market Opportunities, Oil—The New Reality, Hotel Industry in Singapore, India—An Attractive Renewable Energy Market, Women Work and Gossip in Educational Institutions, Homoeopathy on rise, Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Societal Development and E-Governance, Total Quality Management in Academic Libraries, Business Ethics and its Effect on Economy, Challenges and Opportunities in E-Commerce, Private Sector Participation in Windmills, Public Distribution system in Tamil Nadu, Conceptual Framework of Retailing Industry in India, Entrepreneurs' Perception of Rural Micro-enterprises in Tamil Nadu, A Critical Study of Insurance Industry in India, Management makes many Things, Tourism Marketing in South Tamil Nadu, Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Indian Economy in Rural Market, Integrated CRM Strategies, Employees' Opinion Towards job satisfaction in Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation limited, Quality of work life—Measuring Tools, A Study on the level of satisfaction of the consumers Towards cosmetics, The Economics of wind energy—A Cost Analysis, Indian Rural Marketing Challenges, Marketing Techniques by Pharmaceutical Companies, Energizing the Organization Attracts the Market, Swot Analysis of Rubber Plantations in the Context of Globalisation, Business Accountants Services, Retailing—Opportunities for Indian Companies, Financial Inclusion Challenges and Opportunities, A Study on Production and Marketing of Honey, The Synergy betweein business Process management and service-oriented Architecture, A Comparative Study of the Bus passenger's satisfaction levels in KSRTC and TNSTC, Opportunities and challenges of Indian Railways with Reference to southern Railway, An Analytical study of consumerism, Rural women entrepreneurs—challenges and prospects, Computers in Disease Management, Workplace Friendships in Business: Cultural Variations of Employee behaviour, Buying Behaviour of pirated products, Socio-economic conditions of workers in cashewnut factory, Performance Evaluation of priority sector lending by commercial banks with special reference to Agriculture and Allied Activities, Marketing of Marble Products, Quality in Commerce Education, Commerce and Management Education—Opportunities and Challenges, Impact of Interest Rates, Inflation Rate and GDP on Stock Price, A study on Garlic marketing, Apiculture in India—An Analysis, 3G HRM, Tourism Industry in India, Worldwide Gold Supply and Demand, Content Management—A CMS standard, Internet and Individuality, Revolution in the Making:Globally, Awareness of credit cards, Social Risk Management as a Poverty Reduction Strategy in India, A Study on Purchasing Behaviour Towards Jewellery, Brand Loyalty Towards Regency ceremics ltd,